Dates are subject to change without the Chamber's knowledge. We encourage you to consult this calendar when picking an event date as well as contact us at 507-825-3316 or at to have your event listed on the calendar in the hopes of avoiding conflicts with other events.
9th Annual Trunk or Treat & Downtown Candy Walk
The Pipestone Area Chamber of Commerce invites you to Historic Downtown Pipestone for the FREE 9th Annual Trunk or Treat & Downtown Candy Walk on Tuesday, October 31st, from 4:30 pm to 6:00 pm. With about 1,000 kids annually, this community celebration for our area?s youth is a Pipestone Area favorite! Three blocks of Main Street will be closed for safe, family-friendly fun, candy, and music! If you are a business or non-profit organization that would like to participate, please contact the Chamber at 825-3316 by October 17th as pre-registration is required.
18th Annual Chamber Chili Cook-Off & Silent Auction Fundraiser
The Chamber Chili Cook-Off and Silent Auction is a fun community get together! Sample a variety of chilis (traditional and nontraditional) and vote for your favorites. You also get to help us decide which team does the best job decorating too! Businesses and organizations go all out to win either best chili and/or best decor! A tremendously fun event #OnlyinPipestone! Extra Chili, Toppings, and Ice Cream are included in the price of admission.