Defensive Driving 4-Hour Refresher Courses will be held in Pipestone on...
- Thursday, September 21st at 5:00 pm (at Pipestone Area Schools, Room 1148 or Middle/High School Library)
- Tuesday, October 24th at 5:00 pm (at Pipestone Area Schools, Room 1148 or Middle/High School Library)
The cost of the class is only $__ per person for the 4-hour course. Prior registration is required by for the class and prepayment for the class is required. You will not be able to pay the day of the class. The class is limited in size.
If you would like to register for the class or have questions, you may call PAS Community Education at 507-562-6015.
Completing the course successfully can save you 10% on your auto insurance premiums!
Completing the course successfully can save you 10% on your auto insurance premiums!
55+ Defensive Driver Discount Program...
Date and Time
Thursday Sep 21, 2023
5:00 PM - 9:00 PM CDT
Pipestone Area Schools Middle/High School (Room 1148 or Library)
Contact Information
PAS Community Ed, 507-562-6015