Dates are subject to change without the Chamber's knowledge. We encourage you to consult this calendar when picking an event date as well as contact us at 507-825-3316 or at to have your event listed on the calendar in the hopes of avoiding conflicts with other events.
Pipestone County Fair
Our old-fashioned county fair is annually a top event in the county. Bring your kids to the children's barn to see and pet baby animals! Bring your appetite for unique food offerings each night! 4-H, FFA, and open class exhibitors share livestock, exhibits, and art with the public. There will be a midway featuring rides and games, displays and booths, as well as food and fun!
Farmers Market.
A place to come to purchase fresh, local produce, homemade goods (breads, jams, baked goods), and support your community! Our farmers market is a proud member of the Pipestone Area Chamber of Commerce and a program of Pipestone Active Living. If you are interested in being a vendor, registration and a $20 annual vendor fee are required. For more information, please call 507-825-3316. Market accepts EBT/Credit/Debit Cards
HPI Used Book Sale
Historic Pipestone Inc. (HPI) holds their monthly used book sale fundraiser on the first Saturday of each month from 9:00 am - approximately Noon. The sale features books in both hardcover and paperback, ranging over a variety of subjects in both fiction and nonfiction. All such books are donated by members of the community.
Youth Ribbon Auction
The Pipestone Area Chamber of Commerce Ag Committee's Youth Ribbon Auction is at 1:00 PM on Saturday, August 3, 2024.