Dates are subject to change without the Chamber's knowledge. We encourage you to consult this calendar when picking an event date as well as contact us at 507-825-3316 or at to have your event listed on the calendar in the hopes of avoiding conflicts with other events.
17th Annual Chamber Golf Classic
$10,000 Hole-In-One Game on Hole #4. Four-Person Team Scramble. Games & Prizes on all nine holes. Delicious meal included with registration. Sponsorship opportunities available. The rain backup date will be the following day. Please call the Chamber for more information 507-825-3316 or email Tom at
Pipestone Summer Spectacular
Market Beef & Breeding Heifer youth jackpot show in Pipestone, MN, the first Saturday of June.
HPI Used Book Sale
Historic Pipestone Inc. (HPI) holds their monthly used book sale fundraiser on the first Saturday of each month from 9:00 am - Noon. The sale features books in both hardcover and paperback, ranging over a variety of subjects in both fiction and nonfiction. All such books are donated by members of the community.
Chamber Ribbon Cutting & Ambassador Visit
4:00 pm Ribbon Cutting for Pipestone American Legion's newly renovated bar and hall! Everyone is encouraged to attend and thank Pipestone American Legion for their investment!
PAFL Annual Meeting
Pipestone Area Friends of the Library's Annual Meeting is Tuesday, June 6, 2023 at 4:00 pm at Meinders Community Library. Everyone is welcome! Pamela Nowak is our featured speaker/author and you can read more about her award-winning historical fiction at Please come and enjoy an hour with treats and good Friends!
Chamber Ribbon Cutting & Ambassador Visit
10:00 am Ribbon Cutting for the Pipestone Outdoor Power! Everyone is encouraged to attend and thank Pipestone Outdoor Power for their investment in our business community!
Ludolph Bus 80th Anniversary Celebration
Ludolph Bus is celebrating its 80th year in business this year and we will be having a celebration on June 9th from 11am-1pm with lunch for the community.
Free Entrance at Split Rock Creek State Park
On four days each year, all 75 Minnesota state parks and state recreation areas offer free admission to everyone - no vehicle permits needed! Mark your calendar for these upcoming fee-free dates: Saturday, April 22 Saturday, June 10 Friday, November 24 And a fourth free park day that is yet to be scheduled - stay tuned! Minnesota state parks are open year-round, and there's a state park within 30 miles of most Minnesotans. With a free day in each season, it's a great opportunity to get out there and explore someplace new - or visit an old favorite at a new time of year! Whether you stay for the whole weekend or just spend a few hours outside, you'll make memories that will last a lifetime. The entrance fee waiver for fee-free days does not cover amenity or user fees for activities like camping, rentals, or special tours. The goal is to encourage families to spend time together with a walk outdoors. Research shows that walking offers multiple benefits, from increased creativity and better brain function to more flexibility and stamina. So you won't just burn calories, you'll also improve your well-being.