Dates are subject to change without the Chamber's knowledge. We encourage you to consult this calendar when picking an event date as well as contact us at 507-825-3316 or at to have your event listed on the calendar in the hopes of avoiding conflicts with other events.
HPI Used Book Sale
Historic Pipestone Inc. (HPI) holds their monthly used book sale fundraiser on the first Saturday of each month from 9:00 am - Noon. The sale features books in both hardcover and paperback, ranging over a variety of subjects in both fiction and nonfiction. All such books are donated by members of the community.
PAFL Book & Rummage Sale
Pipestone Area Friends of the Library is sponsoring (and staffing) participation in the City-Wide Rummage May 4,5,& 6th at the new Library location garage, 220 3rd Ave SE. We have many hundreds of books and are accepting other donated regular rummage items, too. We need volunteers to sort and set up books and also work the sale itself. Hours for the sale will be Thurs: 7a-7p, Fri: 7a-7p, Sat: 8a-2p. Please call, email or stop by the Library to sign up for as long or short as you like. We appreciate your great support!
Pipestone City-Wide Rummage Sales
Pipestone City-Wide Rummage Sales are Thursday through Saturday, May 4, 5, & 6, 2023. City-Wide Rummage Sale Listings will be available in that week's Free Star and Pipestone County Star. Please contact Pipestone Publishing at 507-825-3333 to add your rummage!