For the 3rd Annual Ferris Grand Fundraiser Dinner!
The Pipestone County Historical Society will be hosting a Fundraiser Dinner in the Masonic Lodge located on the second floor of the historic Ferris Grand Block, on the evening of Saturday, February 10, 2024. This limited seating event will include a four-course meal, a guest speaker presentation, new games, an update on the Ferris Grand rehabilitation project, and an auction - with all funds raised aiding in the rehabilitation of this majestic building.
We are offering business the opportunity to sponsor a table. As a table sponsor you will receive a table for eight guests and your business name & logo prominently included in advertising and the event brochure. The cost of sponsoring a table is $600.
This year, the theme is "Outlaws.," and Dave Rambow will be making a presentation on the recent identification of an original Billy-the-Kid photograph. He will also be available to take an old-fashioned tintype photograph of your guests. Call ahead for more information and to make reservations!
Tickets are limited to this event due to space restrictions. The first five businesses to respond by December 1, 2024 will secure a table for this exciting event. Call or email your reservation and send your check to the Pipestone County Museum, 113 S. Hiawatha Ave, Pipestone.
Thank you for your support of the preservation of this significant building and this event. We look forward to hearing from you.

Date and Time
Saturday Feb 10, 2024
Ferris Grand Masonic Lodge Room (104 E Main St)
(above the Pipestone Performing Arts Center)
Contact Information
Pipestone County Museum, 507-825-2563