Historic Pipestone Incorporated (HPI) invites the public to join them for a Hymn Sing and Ice Cream Social at the St. Paul Episcopal Church on Sunday, August 13th beginning at 2 pm.
Steve Weets and Denise Nagel will share their talents on the piano and organ and Rodger Olivier will lead the vocals. After a time of singing, there will be a free-will donation ice cream social in the parish hall.
Proceeds from this event will be used toward the ongoing restoration of the Historic St. Paul Episcopal Church located at 221 4th Street SE in Pipestone. Come out and see the recent renovation--updated flooring in the sanctuary!
Anyone with questions or wanting further information can contact Event Chairman, Trava Olivier at (507) 215-0120.

Date and Time
Sunday Aug 13, 2023
Starts at 2:00 pm