The Sons of the American Legion Omelet Breakfasts are delicious and support great community causes.
- $12 for Adults
- $5 for Kids 7 and Under
- Create your own omelet! (9 different ingredients!)
- Includes Biscuits, Gravy, Hash Browns, & Toast
- Juice, Milk, or Coffee
The Sons of the American Legion's Omelet Breakfasts are generally the 2nd Sundays of the month, September through April (see Legion's fb page for updates).
A little bit about the Sons of the American Legion:
- In 2024, the Sons donated $20,000!
- 2,000 volunteer hours worked by 55-60 volunteers from the Sons, Legion, and community organizations!
- 2,960 omelets were made last season!
- Call 507-825-3211 if you'd like to volunteer!

Date and Time
Sunday Nov 10, 2024
9:00 AM - 12:30 PM CST
American Legion Post 6 (Enter from Hiawatha Ave Entrance)
Contact Information
American Legion Post 6, 507-825-3211