The Pipestone County Historical Society will be hosting a walking tour of Prairie Lawn Cemetery (also known as Troy Cemetery or Pox Cemetery) located at 1650 60th Ave., Pipestone, MN on Saturday, August 10th beginning at 2:00 p.m. The life stories of some of the individuals interred in this location will be shared. The cost of the tour is $5.00 for adults, $3.00 for members of the Historical Society, and free for children 12 and under. Tickets may be purchased in advance at the Pipestone County Museum or at the Cemetery gate the day of the event.
Directions to the cemetery are north on Highway 75 to County Road 7/151st Street, west to 60th Avenue (gravel), north for 1 and ½ miles then turn on path between two fields to reach the destination. Due to the remote location of this cemetery, guests are encouraged to bring/wear mosquito repellent.
The Pipestone County Museum is located at 113 S. Hiawatha Avenue in Pipestone, MN. If you have further questions, you may call the Museum at (507) 825-2563 or email them at

Date and Time
Saturday Aug 10, 2024
2:00 pm
Contact Information
Pipestone County Museum, 507-825-2563